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We can even talk about Oil and Gas

Big Oil and Gas 24



When discussing the future of the oil and gas industry beyond 2024, it is important to consider the unscientific use of the propaganda term "pollutant" when referring to CO2 gas. While people often label CO2 as a "Greenhouse Gas", it's important to remember that CO2 is necessary for all plant life, and mammals exhale CO2 as a natural bodily function. Therefore, labeling CO2 as a pollutant is wrong. Do Not Comply if necessary, California government officials should be informed of these facts.

Sunday, April 28, 2024


When discussing the future of the oil and gas industry beyond 2024, it is important to consider the unscientific use of the propaganda term "pollutant" when referring to CO2 gas. While people often label CO2 as a "Greenhouse Gas", it's important to remember that CO2 is necessary for all plant life, and mammals exhale CO2 as a natural bodily function. Therefore, labeling CO2 as a pollutant is wrong. Do Not Comply if necessary, California government officials should be informed of these facts.


When discussing the future of the oil and gas industry beyond 2024, it is important to consider the unscientific use of the propaganda term ...